If you are new
to RELAX, please consider RELAX
NG of OASIS. It is a
schema language created by unifying RELAX Core and TREX.
RELAX (Regular Language
description for XML)

Tired of complicated specifications? You just
In May 2001, RELAX Core has been approved as an
ISO/IEC Technical Report.
ISO/IEC DTR 22250-1,
Document Description and Processing Languages --
Regular Language Description for XML (RELAX) --
Part 1: RELAX Core, 2000 October
$Id: index.html 1.43 2002/04/03 14:42:46 makoto Exp $
Prepared by: MURATA Makoto (FAMILY Given)
What's New
- RELAX Core (ISO/IEC TR 22250-1) has been approved by
the ISO/CS ballot. The final text will be prepared in an
upcoming meeting for comment disposition in August 2001.
- Added a link to the RELAX Core specification in English, and links to articles at xmlhack. (2001/3/13)
- Reference model of "Divide and Validate" (in Japanese) (2001/3/11)
- Prototypical implementation of "Divide and Validate". (2001/3/7)
- A Java API for invoking RELAX Verifiers. (2001/3/4)
- RELAX Verifier for Java has been updated. (2001/2/27)
- Dublin Core [The Bath Profile] in RELAX is added. (2001/1/5)
- Rewrite of XML Signature Syntax in RELAX is now based on the
Candidate Recommendation of XML Signature Syntax and Processing
- Disclosed newer versions of relaxCore.rlx and datatypes.rlx
- The cover page of the ISO specification says the document is
a DIS, only because there are no cover sheets for fast-track DTRs
- ISO/IEC published RELAX Core as DIS 22250-1(2000/11/17)
- "HOW TO RELAX" for Netscape 4.7 on Linux (2000/11/3)
- Slightly revised "HOW TO RELAX" (2000/11/3)
1. Introductory
Dividing documents with RELAX, new Relaxer, Simon St.
Laurent, xmlhack
RELAX data extensions, XHTML Basic implementation, Simon St.
Laurent, xmlhack
RELAX Namespace discussion, implementation, Simon St.
Laurent, xmlhack
Validating XML: a pretty complete primer, J. David Eisenberg
Developers' Day at XML 2000, Edd Dumbill, XML.COM
English translation of RELAX spec available, Simon St.
Laurent, xmlhack
RELAX Core to ISO; Relaxer updated, Simon St.
Laurent, xmlhack
Relaxer generates Java classes from RELAX, Simon St.
Laurent, xmlhack
activity continues to bubble , Simon St. Laurent,
- New
mailing list for RELAX , Simon St. Laurent, xmlhack
validation in Java , Simon St. Laurent, xmlhack
gets noticed, Simon St. Laurent, xmlhack
schemas coming soon, Simon St. Laurent, xmlhack
XML Schemas: Last Word on Last Call, Liora Alschuler,
Schemas: RELAX and Enjoy!, Liora Alschuler, Seybold
- Relax,
and Take it Easy, Simon St. Laurent, XML.COM
Breaking news in XML, Eric Armstrong, Java World
5. Free Software
6. Commercial Software
XML Authority of Extensibility supports export in RELAX
7. Mailing lists
8. Schedule
- 2000 March: RELAX Core published as JIS TR.
- 2000 September: Officially decided to submit RELAX
Core to the fast track procedure of ISO.
- 2000 October: Submission of RELAX Core to ISO.
- 2000 December: the initial design of RELAX Namespace
has been disclosed to the mailing list
- 2001 April: RELAX Namespace is expected to be
approved as JIS TR.
- 2001 June: RELAX Namespace is expected to be submitted
9. Links to relevant standard organizations
Last updated $Date: 2002/04/03 14:42:46 $